ok, who here thinks i should seriously consider permanently switching to de-caf, bearing in mind that i can barely remain conscious before 2pm without caffein, let alone function optimally for my fairly intense classes, but that right now my hands are shaking so badly i can hardly type, and i’m pretty sure that the heartattack that i feel i’m having is simply a manifestation of the anxiety i’ve incurred due to the extra-large 100% colombian i injested during stats? woo, run on sentences eff tee double-yew. but seriously, portion control is an issue i understand, cause everything in moderation and all that junk, i know. but in order to accomodate my pretty impressive tolerance to caffein, and achieve the desired effect (i.e. consciousness) small and medium just don’t seem to cut it, and i opt for the large… so, rock or hard place?
and while we’re at it, a much more personal question: i’m going to change my name. i’m not dropping the sonya, but i am going to change my last name to baser (mum’s name). so my question is, do i just drop the wolski (as was my original intention) or do i keep the wolski as a second last name? if i simply drop the wolski my dad will be pretty heart-broken, but if i keep it, i honestly feel i would be screwing with something very very personal to accomodate someone else. all of our differences aside, i love and respect my dad very much, and i don’t want anything, least of all my identity, to hurt or disrespect him. but, at the same time, what is more intimate than your own name? any takers?