fuck beans, i need some sleep…
Monthly Archives: September 2007
the internet should be a controled substance
surfing the net for more than an hour at a time KILLS YOUR BRAIN!
don’t do it kids, just say no.
running on empty
i have not gone to bed earlier than 1am, or gotten up later than 5:30am since sunday.
in no particular order
things i have to do, in bold is what i’ve done…:
*get the screws from my parents for the bunk beds
*burry the mouse that my cat caught
*retrieve cell phone from god know where (it was at my parents’ house)
*pay credit card bill
*call gimp cause i miss him (got into huge fight, we’re now not talking…)
*set up night to watch deadwood with family
*talk to parents about getting car for karate
*make appointments with dr ogsten, dr paidra, dr macintyre, dr jaworsky, and jeannie
*let all the mice go
*caulk puddle’s new tank (caulking cracked the glass, had to buy new tank), set it up
*set up meeting with the clippers
*get desk from paul
*get new glasses
*feed and clean animals… lather, rinse, repeat as needed
*get lights for calvin’s tank
*wax legs before bachelorette party
*laundry, sooo much laundry
*wash sheets, set up duvet
*find slippers
*clean up room before class starts (tomorrow O.o)
*get binder set up for school
*see about sticking shelves somewhere in my tiny room
*APPLY FOR STUPID STUDENT LOANS, holy cow i have to do that i’m not gonna be able to pay for tuition and books
*apply for student line of credit
*finish emptying dynes room (hence the fighting)
*check which heat lamps actually work, get them replacement bulbs
*get plants and transplant the ones that are still alive (if any)
*wash floors
*talk to anna about setting up rent/groceries account
*sort through gravel in dynes backyard, get aquarium set up
*get puddle’s pool
*get new drugs
*get receipts for insurance for dad
*get folder set up for those kinds of receipts and paperwork
*get discman and batteries, burn cds
*buy pants
*fix buttons on cargo pants, grandma jeans, fix leg on stupid stretchy jeans
*return temporary work passes
*talk to parents about chest freezer
*call sheila (sorry i suck so bad, dude) and steph and ashley
*send jar schedule
*get oc transpo photo id
*get humane mouse trap (complete with dead mouse inside…)
*get wireless internet card for doomgaze
though exhausting, not exhaustive… still i am optimistic, if not a little overwhelmed