poeple’s mouths have been bleeding… alot

james elbowed me in the face last night (i probably deserved it, i was rapping his knuckles and stealing his donair), which resulted in a bloody lip on my part, and moderate feelings of guilt on his. i’ve also been chewing up the same spot at the inside corner of my lip for three or four days (i can see you all wincing, you feel my pain!) that james also managed to mash with the back of his hand in our little skirmish. things are really good with us, it’ll be two years soon.

also, the gimp got in a bit of a brawl at school today over a can of pepsi and some salt, and things got a bit out of hand and well… sayyad ended up stabbing him in the face with a plastic fork. it was ugly. he came in through the glass doors, into the agora, dripping blood and melted snow. his friends were all shocked. then we got him cleaned up and found the gushing wound was all of one and a half millimeters wide and closed almost immediately once he stopped poking at it. he still maintains that sayyad is now on his “list”.

meh. i could go on but i’m tired of talking about blood. instead i think i’ll just sit here and meditate over my beautiful trouble. it’s funny that because of her i look at trees differently now, seeing them as giants instead of seeing her as a miniature. i also see potential for futur bonzais i want to watch grow from seeds. i think i’m addicted.

and as a total aside: jer, i miss you… alot


i realize that i haven’t updated in way longer than is reasonably justifyable. in fact, i don’t even know what is prompting me to update right now, seeing as i have nothing important or interesting to say.

it’s possible that it’s because of the classes i am now taking, and the fact that they make me happy and give me hope.

it may be because of the fun new drugs that are doing fun new things to me.

it could also be because of the hat my mother has to eat.

but what i really think is responsible for this return to my long rejected blog is the absolutely exhilarating round of walking tag (all the fun, one eighth the cardio) i just watched my friends and fellow students play in the agora and halls of my wonderful heritage college. i say this with not even the tiniest hint of sarcasm, people: it is as much a spectator sport as any i have ever seen, and it is very possibly my new favorite.

right now, at one fifty-nine pm on january nineteenth, 2004, i am happy.