a bit about my day

today i couldn’t find my phone charger. my phone was long dead, and i needed to get in touch with a friend. i decided i should go downstairs to ask grace, the lady who runs grace’s tailoring, a small business in the entrance to my building, if i could borrow her phone. too bad it’s easter, and grace wasn’t there. also too bad that i forgot my keys, and locked myself out of my building.

the daily lovely, 04/01/2010

there is a song by barry louis polisar called “all i want is you.” it was featured on the soundtrack of juno, which was a pretty nice movie. while the whole song is catchy and sweet, there is a particular couple of lines that make me smile every time i hear them:

If you were a castle, I’d be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I’d learn to float.

dear mr polisar, thanks for withstanding the urge to rhyme moat with boat.

that falling sensation

my mum gave me chestnuts the other day that were sprouting roots. they were so sweet, reaching out of their shells for moisture and sustenance. i was supposed to plant them, but i had no soil. i spent every day since then with a nagging feeling that i was destroying something beautiful through negligence. today i finally got the earth in which to plant the seeds, but of course the little exploratory roots had all dried up.

i took the chestnuts, and some acorns i collected and put them on a bed of paper towels inside the lid of an egg carton, and covered them with a second layer. i’ve soaked the paper in water, and left them under the kitchen sink. i am not giving up on the little, half destroyed chestnuts yet. i will let you know how it goes.

the daily lovely, 03/25/2010

hello internet, did you miss me? I certainly missed you.

but i have some positive things to show for my absence. it’s not all hospital bracelets and chewed up plants, there’s plenty of good. as for example, a scene from james’s upcoming animated student film, which i helped with by colouring it. i know the grammar there is probably way wrong, but it’s been a long day. it’s good to be home.

hatchling is not discouraged