in no particular order

things i have to do, in bold is what i’ve done…:

*get the screws from my parents for the bunk beds
*burry the mouse that my cat caught
*retrieve cell phone from god know where (it was at my parents’ house)
*pay credit card bill
*call gimp cause i miss him (got into huge fight, we’re now not talking…)
*set up night to watch deadwood with family
*talk to parents about getting car for karate
*make appointments with dr ogsten, dr paidra, dr macintyre, dr jaworsky, and jeannie
*let all the mice go
*caulk puddle’s new tank (caulking cracked the glass, had to buy new tank), set it up
*set up meeting with the clippers
*get desk from paul
*get new glasses
*feed and clean animals… lather, rinse, repeat as needed
*get lights for calvin’s tank
*wax legs before bachelorette party
*laundry, sooo much laundry
*wash sheets, set up duvet
*find slippers
*clean up room before class starts (tomorrow O.o)
*get binder set up for school
*see about sticking shelves somewhere in my tiny room
*APPLY FOR STUPID STUDENT LOANS, holy cow i have to do that i’m not gonna be able to pay for tuition and books
*apply for student line of credit
*finish emptying dynes room (hence the fighting)
*check which heat lamps actually work, get them replacement bulbs
*get plants and transplant the ones that are still alive (if any)
*wash floors
*talk to anna about setting up rent/groceries account
*sort through gravel in dynes backyard, get aquarium set up
*get puddle’s pool
*get new drugs
*get receipts for insurance for dad
*get folder set up for those kinds of receipts and paperwork
*get discman and batteries, burn cds
*buy pants
*fix buttons on cargo pants, grandma jeans, fix leg on stupid stretchy jeans
*return temporary work passes
*talk to parents about chest freezer
*call sheila (sorry i suck so bad, dude) and steph and ashley
*send jar schedule
*get oc transpo photo id
*get humane mouse trap (complete with dead mouse inside…)
*get wireless internet card for doomgaze

though exhausting, not exhaustive… still i am optimistic, if not a little overwhelmed

you're wrong, i'm right

hey ev, remember when we were watching “my date with drew” and i was like, “who is that chick, i’ve seen her before…” and you were all “no no no, she’s a nobody, i’m a big wanker, la la la!!”?

she’s jenna lewis, from the original survivor. i win. wanker.

: )


i wonder if my purchase of a 120 gallon tank from the man with the gigantic arms in gatineau, that can only be moved by two very large males (the tank, not the man… i think it would take a truck to move him), could be viewed as me biting off more than i can chew.

i wonder if the nice lady will sell me her box turtle, seeing as she’s now “having trouble keeping up with him.”

i wonder if the mouse my cat caught the night before last has had her babies yet.



these fucking afternoon shifts really do me in. they make me feel so restless and panicked that it often takes me hours to recover.

but today is not a terrible day. today i get to touch base with someone i haven’t seen in a while, and maybe get a little taste of freedom.