someone else has said it better

yeah, i’m pretty sure that’s always true. so, as natalie tran put it when she was making excuses for not having made a lammingtons video yet, “i’m like a real friend, i promise things i don’t deliver.”

i was sitting yesterday on my balcony, smoking a cigarette. this, of course, made me feel awfully guilty, which dredged up all the other things about which i feel guilty. amongst that myriad of infractions was the fact that i hadn’t followed through with my new year’s resolution, and that it hadn’t even taken too long for the disruption to occur. so i made myself a promise, yesterday, sitting on that balcony. starting tomorrow (now today) the daily lovelies would return, to spread joy to my mum and brother, and sam, who are the only people who read my blog. it’s cool guys, i’ve got you covered.

editor’s note: i don’t know what a lammington is, dude, she still hasn’t made the video.

1 thought on “someone else has said it better

  1. Thanks Sophie! It is always a joyous reading to find that you have posted something on your blog. I can’t check facebook at work, but your blog isn’t blocked, so it is a welcome diversion. By the way, could there possibly be a better three person audience than your mom and brother and myself?

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