cause i've been meaning to…

point form…

i hate the cold.  seriously, more than most things, i hate it.  it just so happens that this year, on top of it having been an amazingly mild winter, i have an amazingly warm coat.  my daddy bought it for me, scouted it out while some pregnant lady was trying it on.  now everytime i’m walking in the cold, and the boys beside me are griping about the wind, i think about how snuggley warm i am, and about how it was my daddy who gave me this feeling.  i’ve been meaning to tell him; i figure, with all the fighting we do, he might like to know that, the majority of the time, when i think of him it is as a result of my warmth and well-being.

yesterday i was leaving the house, and i went to say goodbye to the gimp.  i found him asleep on the couch with shelley.  she was leaning against him, they were bathed in sunlight.

spoke to jer for the first time in ages, he made me heartsick:

yeah…  sophie, you have so much love.  just sometimes you get confused about it.  where it goes…  or maybe just this time.  but i know you just want to make the world a little better.  make some happy.

now i should go back downstairs… i hear the voices of my drunken kin.

it’s raining outside.

come here often?


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