today’s daily lovely is a bit of a cop out. it is personal, and possibly (unintentionally) vague, so don’t get your hopes up. but it is something that struck me today, so i feel it deserves its place in the archives of my life.
since i found it a couple of years ago i have thought that xkcd was one of the most brilliant comics on the internet. the author is a physicist with the inclinations of a poet, a romantic, a comedian, a deviant… my admiration for him is ever expanding.
today i was browsing through the xkcd archives when i found this particular, very early, comic of his. it is the last few panels of it that got my attention, causing my breath to catch in my throat, and my eyes to tear up. i won’t go any further, because it’s been a long day and i am again starting to well up. suffice it to say that in this case, to me, a picture is worth well over a thousand words, and what they say is something to which i can relate on the most basic level i have found inside me.
editor’s note: jeremy, in case you read this, i posted instead of numbing my mind with warcraft, while waiting for the drugs to kick in and put me to sleep.