you know, i never got this before. the idea that there should be a part of you that you keep hidden away from the rest of the world. if anything, good or bad, happened in my life, i immediately wanted to share it. if i wasn’t able to do so, it often caused me discomfort, to varrying degrees. openess was my default setting.
but recently something happened, like a switch being flipped. maybe it was because i was living in a house with eight other people, sharing a room with another human, and had NO privacy whatsoever. all of a sudden i have become enamored with the idea of starting a new life. that is not to say that i want to leave my old one behind. i just want something else, something more, that the people who know me will never find. a different me that co-exists with the me that my friends, my family, my co-workers, my aquaintances, my WORLD get to see. i want secret plans.