my room smells like meat, i hate it when that woman cooks…

so ottawa was good. very good. my video production project-mates bailed on me at the very last second (and washed seven hours of editing i did on my own down the drain, not to mention all the shooting) and james came up right in time to watch it happen. he was right though, it was for the best. he called evan and magill for me, and those two boys rallied the troups (ie. the 2-dawg cru) and pulled together to make a film that warranted a look of amazement from my teacher. it’s called “what’s with the rice?” and it’s got ninjas. you wanna see it, email me at kingofkittenpoker@hotmail.com, i’ll see what i can do.

now i have to go sleep, cause i’ve been running around since seven this morning and i just spent the last three hours of my day in a smoke-filled bar in the alexis nihon mall with my documentary film teacher and a couple of other (drunk and loud) students, and i feel a little… yuck. good times.

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