semantically inappropriate

my day at work was ended with an horrifcally loud, shrieking fire alarm. as it turns out it’s fire prevention week, so the powers that be figured a fire drill would be appropriate.

i disagree.

if it’s fire prevention week, shouldn’t they have a bunch of ninnies wander around warning us plebes about the dangers of smoking in bed, and tying your cat to a toaster oven with faulty wires and stuff?

i mean, if you wanna have a death by fire prevention week, then go ahead, by all means, have your ear bleeding, soul crushing, eye exploding fire drill… other than that, i really don’t see what one has to do with the other.

‘m just sayin…

2 thoughts on “semantically inappropriate

  1. I think tying toaster ovens with faulty wires to cats is more likely to cause electrocution than fire, along the lines of don’t try to make toast when taking a bath. Enjoying toast in the bath, like smoking in bed is just one of those things you can’t do safely.

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